Mighty Ant Blog
CaliBurger Launches Flippy the Robot

New automation and the machine learning revolution are coming to a workplace near you.
Read MoreA New Definition of Artificial General Intelligence

It’s time to change the definition of Artificial General Intelligence, but only because the old definition is both useless and confusing.
Read MoreThe Mighty Ant 10x Advantage

Developer quality is the biggest determinant of software project success, greatly exceeding the contribution of all other factors. Developers differ in capabilities by more than a factor of ten. At Mighty Ant DataWorks, we’ve observed such a 10x advantage.
Read More"We have a dream of launching a tech product but are feeling totally priced out by professional firms. Any advice?"

In August 2016, Glenn Smith of Mighty Ant DataWorks moved from Southern California to West Lafayette Indiana and opened up a new Mighty Ant office in the Purdue Technology Center (part of Purdue University.) In February 2017 an old friend from Pasadena California emailed asking for advice on hiring cheap developers when you didn’t have the money for a full service firm. Below is the (lightly edited) exchange.
Read More9 Free Design Tools for Better Web Development

100% of our lead designers recommend these 9 free design tools. (Ok, Thomas is our only design lead at Mighty Ant, but if you do any kind of front-end development, he thinks you will find these free tools / links super helpful.)
Read MoreMighty Ant’s New Purdue Research Park Office Makes the News

Various local news outfits, as well as the Purdue Technology Center itself have taken note of Mighty Ant’s new office in the Purdue Research Park. One advantage our new Mighty Ant East office has over our Caltech adjacent office in Pasadena: Geese!
See the Geese!Thomas Tips: How to Remove the Background of an Image with Photoshop [Video Tutorial]

Our Lead Designer Thomas demonstrates how to quickly remove an image’s background without permanently deleting any portion of it by using layer masking. An example of non-destructive editing. The little boy in the video? That’s Thomas! (when he was younger)
Watch VideoThomas Tips: How to Save Time Using Photoshop Actions to Automate Repetitive Tasks [Video Tutorial]

Our Lead Designer Thomas demonstrates how to quickly automate repetitive tasks in Photoshop by using "actions". This tip is going to save you a lot of time and help you deliver consistent quality.
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